Energy & Environment
As qualified and experienced building services engineers, we offer a distinct advantage over many other energy consultants in that the area where most energy savings are achievable is normally related to the mechanical and electrical services, which is our area of expertise.

We are constantly attending training programs, expositions and seminars in order to keep up-to-date with the latest advances in technologies, so we can use this knowledge to offer clients the very latest and up-to-date solutions for their specific energy saving options.

Our engineers understand how building services systems should work in order to achieve maximum operating efficiencies and to minimise waste energy.

With a long standing reputation and years of invaluable experience as building service engineers, we have an advantage over what energy consultants can offer in terms of energy saving recommendations. The most achievable energy savings are generally related to the mechanical and electrical services, and as this is our area of expertise we will know better than anyone where those savings can be made.